Supporting gender balance in pharma markets
Tara Dougal, Head of Content, Informa Markets, Amsterdam
The Women in Leadership Forum is a networking and community building event, bringing together female and male executives from across the global pharmaceutical industry (an industry in which women are still under-represented at senior levels).
The Forum was launched at CPhI Worldwide in 2014 and has grown to include successful events in North America, India and China. Attendees have the chance to meet colleagues from across the world, share experiences and develop strategies for bringing diversity and equal opportunities into organisations.
Previous events focused on creating a workâlife balance, establishing a framework for mentorship, and ensuring women have the support they need to progress into leadership roles. The key takeaway from the 2018 Forum in Madrid was that companies and individuals need to start thinking and acting on a human level to help attract, and most importantly retain, talent from many different backgrounds.
We received great feedback from the event again this year, and hope it will continue to grow, stimulating debate and bringing diverse voices into our markets.