Using the skills of our exhibitors to support children with autism
Jessi Cybulski, Show Manager, Informa Markets, Boulder
At Live Design International (“LDI”), we bring together 14,000 people who work in the design, technology and production of live audience experiences, from theatre productions and art installations to mega concerts. They are responsible for the world’s most impressive and immersive productions and they come to LDI to discover the latest techniques and equipment in the business.
We’ve supported charities at the show for decades but this year we wanted to think differently about how we go beyond simple fundraising and instead link the show’s purpose of “inspiring the art of live design” to bring our audience and a charity together.
Immersive sensory spaces can be used as a form of therapy for children with autism, but many charities and families struggle to access the necessary equipment. Our exhibitors have many of the products, and our attendees have many of the skills, that can help provide those experiences that benefit these children.
So, this year, LDI welcomed parents and children from Families for Effective Autism Treatment of southern Nevada, where LDI is held.The families were invited to explore the LDI show floor, checking out the lighting and video displays at various booths, culminating in an immersive, interactive sensory booth featuring various lighting and audio-visual set-ups provided by one of our partners. It’s a small start, but I’m thrilled that other exhibitors were intrigued by the event and welcomed it onto the show floor. We’ve already had a number express interest in being involved next year.