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Sustainability Summary Data Table

We closely monitor and measure our progress and performance on sustainability across many areas.

Below is a summary of key performance indicators in our four focus areas - Content and Customers, Communities, Colleagues and the Environment - over a five year period. The data can also be downloaded in Excel using the links below. Informa's position in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index is an additional Group KPI for the Company.  

For full background, see our Sustainability Reports

Download our complete Informa Sustainability Summary Data (2016-2023) (191kb xlsx)

Sustainability Summary Data Table (2016-2023)

Content & Customers  Units Link to FasterForward 2023 2022 2021 2020  2019 2018 2017 2016
Revenues £m   £3,190 m £2,389.3m £1,798.7 m £ 1,661 m £2,890 m  £2,369m £1,758 m £1,346 m
Profit before tax (adjusted for continuing operations) £m   £ 854 m £ 451 m £245 m £267 m £933 m  £ 732 m £546 m £377 m
Countries sold into Number of countries   170+ 170+ 170+ 170+ 170+ 170+ 165 165
New books published Number of books   8,050 8,100 7,500 6,929 7,300 7,100 7,100 6,100
Ebooks downloaded Number of ebooks   188,000 150,500 146,800 151,070 127,000 120,000 NA NA
Books available in digital format % of all book titles   94% 93% 86% 85% 78% 77% 74% 73%
Open access journals Number of journals Impact Multiplier 340 336 289 282 276 268 173 108
Open access articles Number of OA articles published Impact Multiplier 34,500 29,000 23,700 18,400 16,700 13,500 11,073 7,602
Number of journals downloaded through INASP Number of journal downloads Impact Multiplier 1,173,000 2,251,000 1,706,000 1,017,000 1,286,139 1494,238 1,323,208 1,016,705
Journal articles downloaded Number of articles downloaded   401m 370m 347 m 273 m 200 m  150 m NA NA
Accepted articles from developing countries % of all accepted articles   18% 17% 16% 15% 13% NA NA NA
Content in T&F Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Online library Number of book chapters and journal articles Sustainability Inside 25,470 23,899 20,040 14,600 12,000 NA NA NA
Events participating in 'The Fundamentals' that support the sustainable development of the industry  Average score received on the Fundamentals  Sustainability Inside 85% 86% 75% 75% NA  NA NA NA
% of top 100 brands meeting the Sustainability Inside criteria % Sustainability Inside 31% Not measured Not measured Not measured NA NA NA NA

(a) Indicates that the emissions of these categories were primarily calculated as part of our 2017 analysis of Scope 3 by EcoAct using CEDA emission factors. This exercise was repeated in 2019 and 2022.
The 2020 and 2018 data was estimated based on the 2019 and 2017 calculations respectively.
(b) Business travel emissions from 2019 to 2022 include flights as well as hotel stays and ground transportation (rail, taxis, hire cars and personal cars). Prior years' data only include air travel emissions.
(c) The Colleagues data excludes businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(d) The colleague figures utilised in the calculation of the environmental related intensity metric include headcounts from businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(e) The data was estimated for 2020 and 2021

Data marked with a (*) has been independently assured by Bureau Veritas. Their assurance statements are available here:
Our reporting methodology is available at:
Where accuracy improvements have been made, some earlier data has been restated.
2018 totals include UBM data from date of acquisition with the exception of the intensity metric and science-based targets data.
The totals for 2023 environmental data include Tarsus and Winsight from the date of acquisition.


Sustainability Summary Data Table (2016-2023)

Communities  Units Link to FasterForward 2023 2022 2021 2020  2019 2018 2017 2016
Volunteering % of colleagues volunteering Impact Multiplier 10% 10% 8% 7% 13% 15% 9% 6%
  Number of colleagues Impact Multiplier 1,190 1,145 812 784 1,446 1,729 689 372
  Number of hours Impact Multiplier 16,536 12,196 6,466 8,151 9,363 10,247 5,474 2,396
Total value contributed to community groups £ Impact Multiplier £ 11,977,584 £ 10,723,761 £ 1,000,285 £ 694,500 £ 1,737,000 * £ 1,599,000 £ 767,000 £ 548,000
Company donations (cash) £ Impact Multiplier £ 1,442,743 £ 1,273,111 £ 344,997 £ 194,500 £ 446,000 * £ 354,000 £ 411,000 £ 338,000
Volunteer programme costs £ recorded Impact Multiplier £ 566,592 £ 451,021 £ 256,599 £ 283,000 £ 424,000 * £ 376,000 £ 235,000 £ 95,000
Donations in kind £ recorded Impact Multiplier £ 1,502,941 £ 1,171,996 £ 257,097 £174,000 £ 562,000 * £ 678,000 £ 39,000 £ 44,000
Colleague fundraising £ Impact Multiplier £ 239,386 £ 238,412 £ 141,593 £ 43,000 £ 305,000 * £ 191,000 £ 82,000 £ 71,000
Free or heavily discounted T&F products or services £ Impact Multiplier £ 3,025,922 £ 3,095,512 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported
Induced events fundraising £ Impact Multiplier £ 5,200,000 £ 4,493,710 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported
Adjusted effective tax rate % Impact Multiplier 19% 18% 15% 15% 19% 18% 21% 18%
Events to support authors Number of events Impact Multiplier 124 167 135 131 107 120 124 127
Number of disconnected people who received access to networks and knowledge (e) Number of people Impact Multiplier 43,556 115,337 71,513 40,293 NA NA NA NA

(a) Indicates that the emissions of these categories were primarily calculated as part of our 2017 analysis of Scope 3 by EcoAct using CEDA emission factors. This exercise was repeated in 2019 and 2022.
The 2020 and 2018 data was estimated based on the 2019 and 2017 calculations respectively.
(b) Business travel emissions from 2019 to 2022 include flights as well as hotel stays and ground transportation (rail, taxis, hire cars and personal cars). Prior years' data only include air travel emissions.
(c) The Colleagues data excludes businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(d) The colleague figures utilised in the calculation of the environmental related intensity metric include headcounts from businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(e) The data was estimated for 2020 and 2021.

Data marked with a (*) has been independently assured by Bureau Veritas. Their assurance statements are available here:
Our reporting methodology is available at:
Where accuracy improvements have been made, some earlier data has been restated.
2018 totals include UBM data from date of acquisition with the exception of the intensity metric and science-based targets data.
The totals for 2023 environmental data include Tarsus and Winsight from the date of acquisition.


Sustainability Summary Data Table (2016-2023)

Colleagues (c)  Units Link to FasterForward 2023 2022 2021 2020  2019 2018 2017 2016
Headcount Number of colleagues   11,613 11,105 10,045 10,945 11,296* 11,197 7,525 6,394
Headcount % full time colleagues   97% 97% 96% 95.6% 95.3% 94.9% NA  NA 
Headcount Number of external contractors   1890 1823 1,578 1,221 2,026  NA  NA  NA 
Spend on formal training £m   £ 1.94m* £ 2.76 m* £ 2.1m* £ 2.1m* £ 2.7m* £ 2.9m £ 2.5m £ 2.3m
Training spend per colleague £/colleague   £ 167 £ 249 £ 210 £188 £ 239 £ 259 £ 332 £ 360
Training hours per colleague Number of hours per colleague   8.07 7.67 10.2 8.27 8.22 7.32 3.07 NA
Colleague engagement score Average favourable response to engagement questions   80% 79% 80% 86% 80%* 77% 74% 71%
Open positions filled by internal candidates % of internal hires   24% 18%s 18% 13% 10% 10% NA NA
New hires Number of new hires   2,150 3,522 1,967 1,134 2,797 1,733 1,560 1,170
Colleague turnover - Voluntary % turnover   10% 15% 14% 11% 10%* 16% 16% 16%
Colleague turnover - Total % turnover   23% 19% 19% 21% 26%* 26% 24% 24%
Absenteeism Sick days/year per colleague   3.0* 2.1* 2.1* 2.3* 3.3* 3.0 2.2 2.3
Absenteeism % of total days scheduled   0.84% 0.61% 0.61% 0.69% 1.02% 0.92% 0.66% 0.69%
Absenteeism Data coverage (% of colleagues)   87% 87% 92% 97% 84% 65% 74% 74%
All Colleague gender split % female   60%* 59%* 59%* 59%* 59%* 59% 56% 56%
Junior management gender split % female   58% 58% 57% 57% 57% 57% 55% 55%
All management gender split % female   56%* 55%* 52%* 54%* 53%* 54% 51% 49%
Leadership group gender split % female   39%* 35%* 29%* 29%* 30%* 32% 27% 33%
Top management gender split (EMT and direct reports) % female   36% 38% 31% 28% 27% 25% 25% 25%
Director gender split % female   36%* 45%* 42%* 30%* 30%* 30%* 22% 20%
Promotions gender split % female   66%* 62%* 62%* 58%* 62%* 60% 60% 63%
Gender split of managers in revenue-generating functions % female   53% 57% 54% 54% 54% 53% 51% 45%
Gender split in STEM-related positions % female   47% 45% 47% 46% NA NA NA NA
Gender pay gap (UK) % difference   24%* 25.2%* 24.4%* 21.3%* 22.3%* 22.7% 23.3% NA
Colleagues by age (20s or under) % of colleagues aged 29 or less   21% 22% 20% 22% 25% 25% 25% NA
Colleagues by age (30s) % of colleagues aged 30-39   35% 35% 35% 36% 34% 34% 31% NA
Colleagues by age (40s) % of colleagues aged 40-49   24% 23% 24% 23% 22% 22% 23% NA
Colleagues by age (50s) % of colleagues aged 50-59   14% 14% 15% 14% 13% 14% 14% NA
Colleagues by age (60s or above) % of colleagues aged 60 or above   6% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%  6% NA
Diversity data based on a voluntary and confidential survey of UK and US colleagues, representing 66% of our US and UK population and around 40% of the company    
Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual colleagues % lesbian, gay and bisexual colleagues   NA NA 6% NA NA NA NA NA
Lived gender % colleagues whose lived gender is the same as assigned at birth   NA NA 99% NA NA NA NA NA
UK colleagues by race and ethnicity % White or White British   NA NA 85% NA NA NA NA NA
UK colleagues by race and ethnicity % Asian or Asian British   NA NA 7% NA NA NA NA NA
UK colleagues by race and ethnicity Mixed ethnicity   NA NA 4% NA NA NA NA NA
UK colleagues by race and ethnicity Black or Black British   NA NA 3% NA NA NA NA NA
US colleagues by race and ethnicity White/ Caucasian   NA NA 77%  NA NA NA NA NA
US colleagues by race and ethnicity Hispanic or Latino   NA NA 8% NA NA NA NA NA
US colleagues by race and ethnicity Asian   NA NA 6% NA NA NA NA NA
US colleagues by race and ethnicity Black or African American   NA NA 3% NA NA NA NA NA
US colleagues by race and ethnicity Two or more races   NA NA 3% NA NA NA NA NA
Colleagues with disability or long-standing condition that creates limitations % of colleagues with disability or condition   NA NA 15% NA NA NA NA NA
Walk The World Number of walkers   6,391 5,817 4,463 1,460 7,000 4,000 3,500 2,000
Walk The World % of colleagues taking part   60% 52% 44% 13% 60% 55% 46% 33%
Walk The World Distance walked (km)   52,400 43,000 40,000 14,600 60,000 43,000 28,800 17,200
Walk The World Charitable donations Impact Multiplier £ 239,000 £ 220,900 £ 167,000 £ 39,000 £ 380,000 £ 181,000 £ 155,000 £ 120,000

(a) Indicates that the emissions of these categories were primarily calculated as part of our 2017 analysis of Scope 3 by EcoAct using CEDA emission factors. This exercise was repeated in 2019 and 2022.
The 2020 and 2018 data was estimated based on the 2019 and 2017 calculations respectively.
(b) Business travel emissions from 2019 to 2022 include flights as well as hotel stays and ground transportation (rail, taxis, hire cars and personal cars). Prior years' data only include air travel emissions.
(c) The Colleagues data excludes businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(d) The colleague figures utilised in the calculation of the environmental related intensity metric include headcounts from businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(e) The data was estimated for 2020 and 2021.

Data marked with a (*) has been independently assured by Bureau Veritas. Their assurance statements are available here:
Our reporting methodology is available at:
Where accuracy improvements have been made, some earlier data has been restated.
2018 totals include UBM data from date of acquisition with the exception of the intensity metric and science-based targets data.
The totals for 2023 environmental data include Tarsus and Winsight from the date of acquisition.


Sustainability Summary Data Table (2016-2023)

Environment  Units Link to FasterForward 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Energy & greenhouse gas emissions    
Total energy consumption MWh Faster to Zero  25,618* 21,081* 24,035* 24,611* 32,775 35,120  27,424 26,405 
Natural gas consumption MWh Faster to Zero 6,798 7,661 8,854 10,692 11,677 12,562 6,523 5,272
Electricity consumption MWh Faster to Zero 10,866 10,389 12,333 13,232 16,814 16,924 14,932 15,309
Other fuels consumption MWh Faster to Zero 7,954 3,031 2,793 687 4,285 5,635 5,968 5,825
Total energy use per revenues MWh/£m Faster to Zero 8.03 8.82 13.36 14.82 11.34 14.83 15.60 19.62
Total renewable electricity consumption (generated or purchased) MWh Faster to Zero 10,399* 9,897* 11,894* 12,810 16,261 2,213 648 19
Proportion of renewable energy % Faster to Zero 41% 47% 49% 52% 50% 6% 2% 0%
Total non-renewable energy consumption MWh Faster to Zero 15,219 11,184 12,140 11,801 16,514 32,908 26,776 26,386
Number of offices with a green rating (LEED or BREEAM) Number of office Faster to Zero 4 5 8 8 NA NA NA NA
Colleagues based in an office with a green rating % of office-based colleagues Faster to Zero 25% 28% 21% 23% NA NA NA NA
Scope 1 emissions - Total tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 3,469* 2,347* 2,692* 2,822* 4,134* 4,776  3,205  2,997
Emissions from natural gas tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 1,245 1,397 1,622 1,966 2,148 2,504 1,197 967
Emissions from refrigerants tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 280 235 415 692 912 843 567 567
Emissions from company vehicles & generator fuel tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 1,944 715 655 164 1,075 1,429 1,441 1,463
Scope 2 emissions (location-based) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 4,364* 4,063* 4,816* 5,305* 7,026* 7,010  6,477  7,164
Total scope 1 & 2 location-based emissions tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 7,833* 6,410* 7,508* 8,127* 11,160* 11,786  9,682  10,162
Intensity ratio total location-based scope 1&2 emissions per colleague (d) tonnes CO2e/Colleague Faster to Zero 0.63* 0.58* 0.75*  0.74* 1.00* 1.18 1.29 1.59
Intensity ratio total location-based scope 1&2 emissions per revenues tonnes CO2e/£m Faster to Zero 2.46 2.68 4.17 4.89 3.86 4.98 5.51 7.55
Scope 2 emissions (market-based) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 227* 244* 231* 233* 397* 6,385 6,477 7,164
Total Scope 1& 2 market-based emissions tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 3,696* 2,592* 2,923* 3,055* 4,532* 11,161  9,682  10,161
Carbon offsets used to compensate for remaining emissions tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 3,696 2,592 2,923 3,055 4,532 NA NA NA
Residual scope 1&2 emissions post green energy and offsets tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 0 0 0 0 0 11,161   9,682  10,161
Scope 3 emissions included in our CarbonNeutral® company Certification tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 35,661* 28,690* 12,065* 19,337* 35,702* NA NA NA
Emissions from Transmission & Distribution losses tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 292* 259* 309* 320* 501* NA NA NA
Emissions from office waste tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 94* 142* 140* 378* 722* NA NA NA
Emissions from Home working tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 6,007* 6,985* 7,810* 6,736 NA NA NA NA
Emissions from air travel tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 27,201 20,742 3,162 18,045 31,881 NA NA NA
Emissions from all business travel tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 29,268* 21,304* 3,805* 18,638* 34,479* NA NA NA
Carbon offsets used to compensate for scope 3 emissions tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 35,661 28,690 12,065 19,337 35,702 NA NA NA
Residual emissions tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA
Total emissions for our science-based targets calculations (Informa & UBM combined) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 612,125 474,735 373,061 307,018 654,454 663,569  663,732 NA
Scope 1&2 emissions (location-based) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 7,833* 6,410* 7,508* 8,127* 11,160* 13,537  15,627  15,803
Scope 1&2 emissions (market-based) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 3,696* 2,592* 2,923* 3,055* 4,532* 12,815  14,019  14,433
Scope 3 emissions - Other indirect emissions from our value chain tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 608,429 472,143 370,138 303,963 649,922 650,755  649,713  NA
Scope 3 emissions - Total upstream emissions tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 271,426 219,245 174,315 188,312 253,871 232,005  233,247 NA
Category 1 - Purchased good & services (a) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 196,333 154,404 134,411 127,692 169,127 163,394 163,394 NA
Category 2 - Capital goods (a) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 22,621 20,907 16,612 20,177 20,609 7,862 7,862 NA
Category 3 - Transmission & Distribution losses tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 292* 259* 309* 320* 501* 562 943 963
Category 3 - Energy (well-to-tank) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 1,807 1,427 1,767 1,127 1,418 1,820 1,933 1,860
Category 4 - Upstream transportation and distribution - Books & journals distribution (a) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 17,666 17,468 15,186 17,960 16,200 6,937 6,937 NA
Category 5 - Office waste tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 94* 142* 140* 378* 722* 760 820 696
Category 5 - Wastewater tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 9 21 14 59 211 256 185 177
Category 6 - Business travel (b) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 29,268* 21,304* 3,805* 18,638* 34,479* 39,231 39,231 NA
Category 7 - Employee commuting (a) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 3,328 3,302 2,063 1,932 10,502 11,009 11,747 NA
Category 8 - Upstream leased assets tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Water use tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 8 12 8 29 103 173 195 176
Scope 3 emissions - Total downstream emissions tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 337,003 252,898 195,823 115,651 396,051 418,750  416,465  NA
Category 10 - Processing of sold products tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Category 11 - Use of sold products - Customer use of digital products & services (a) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 29,786 27,481 26,116 20,613 15,381 13,088 10,796 NA
Category 12 - End of life treatment of sold products - Disposal of books & journals (a) tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 105 109 134 123 209 241 249 NA
Category 13 - Downstream leased assets tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Category 14 - Franchises tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Category 15 - Investments tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Emissions from running exhibitions - see details below tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 307,113 225,308 169,573 94,915 380,461 405,421 405,421 NA
Category 9 - Downstream transportation & distribution- Logistics of main contractors & exhibitors tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 143,203 138,622 109,641 59,056 223,505 250,988 250,988 NA
Category 11 - Use of sold products - Events' energy, water & material use tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 60,101 32,853 28,767 15,698 73,894 90,138 90,138 NA
Category 12 - End of life treatment of sold products - Events waste tonnes CO2e Faster to Zero 103,808 53,833 31,165 20,161 83,063 64,294 64,294 NA
Resources use    
Paper consumption tonnes   4,604 4,728 5,818 5,482 9,347* 10,240 10,823 7,149
Paper use per revenues tonnes/£m   1.44 1.98 3.23 3.30 3.23 4.32 6.16 8.43
Paper from sustainable sources % certified paper   98% 94% 92%  96% 94%* 94% 63% 88%
Books & journals sent for pulping tonnes Faster to Zero 348* 408* 501* 281* 271* 470 587 523
Office waste generated tonnes Faster to Zero 255* 376* 423* 948* 7,046* 6,309 5,073 5,089
Total waste (excluding events waste) tonnes Faster to Zero 603* 783* 924* 1,229* 7,317* 6,779 5,660 5,612
Estimated total waste diverted from landfill tonnes Faster to Zero 468 549 693 704 3,414 3,309 2,869 2,813
Estimated total waste sent to landfill tonnes Faster to Zero 135 234 231 525 3,903 3,470 2,790 2,799
Percentage of waste diverted from landfill % Faster to Zero 78% 70% 75% 57% 47% 49% 51% 50%
Total waste per revenues tonnes/£m Faster to Zero 0.19 0.33 0.51 0.74 2.53 2.86 3.22 4.17
Office water consumption m3   43,095* 78,507* 50,106* 83,483* 297,920* 361,908 261,000 250,000
Office water consumption per colleague (d) m3/Colleague   3 7 5 8 27 32 35 39
Office water consumption per revenues m3/£m   14 33 28 50 103 153 148 186
Offices with high overall water risk according to WRI Aqueduct % of headcount   19% 17% 19% 21% NA NA NA NA

(a) Indicates that the emissions of these categories were primarily calculated as part of our 2017 analysis of Scope 3 by EcoAct using CEDA emission factors. This exercise was repeated in 2019 and 2022.
The 2020 and 2018 data was estimated based on the 2019 and 2017 calculations respectively.
(b) Business travel emissions from 2019 to 2022 include flights as well as hotel stays and ground transportation (rail, taxis, hire cars and personal cars). Prior years' data only include air travel emissions.
(c) The Colleagues data excludes businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(d) The colleague figures utilised in the calculation of the environmental related intensity metric include headcounts from businesses acquired by Informa during 2023.
(e) The data was estimated for 2020 and 2021.

Data marked with a (*) has been independently assured by Bureau Veritas. Their assurance statements are available here:
Our reporting methodology is available at:
Where accuracy improvements have been made, some earlier data has been restated.
2018 totals include UBM data from date of acquisition with the exception of the intensity metric and science-based targets data.
The totals for 2023 environmental data include Tarsus and Winsight from the date of acquisition.